The murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor showed the world the Institutional Racism that is embedded in America, sparking a worldwide Black Lives Matter movement. The movement accelerated when news media highlighted Amy Cooper, the woman who falsely reported a Black man was threatening her life, in Central Park.
Millennials want diversity in every aspect of their personal and corporate lives, not just for corporate pledge opportunities. According to YPulse, Millenials ranked these top 5 social causes:
1. COVID-19 Pandemic
2. Black Lives Matter
3. Racism
4. Civil Rights
5. Poverty/ Homelessness/ Hunger
3 Notice diversity occupies 3 of the top 4 social causes. Investopedia+Treehouse Reader Survey shows 54% of Millennials believe in “voting” for their causes with investments. Even more revealing, 64% of Millennials believe Environmental, Social and Governance is the new standard for investment. Diversity is the Social category of choice. Companies who desire to attract Millennials as employees and investors need to see society from a DIVERSE LENS©.
Annual US Diversity Markets.
Annual Total US Consumer Market.
Diversity Markets are Majority of the US Market
Even with potential revenue on the table, Corporate executives do not understand diverse populations. Corporate leaders have been spending $8 billion on diversity training to eliminate unconscious bias utilizing non-diverse trainers, marketing and public relations firms who continue the status quo propaganda.
It is obvious, American corporate executives need a new perspective and strategies, especially since diverse populations and their spending power is growing exponentially.
Automation Workz provides coaching , training and training tools to assist corporate leaders to SEE the diversity perspective and then an EMPLOYER BRAND to attract diverse populations as ambassadors, employees and suppliers. Institutional discrimination will disappear as corporations seize and expand profits within diverse markets.
Since everyone tends to follow the leader, corporate change begins with the leader.
Secure DIVERSE LENS© executive coaching includes assessments, vision building, goal setting, strategy, history, cultural context and execution to assist you unleash your inner superhero to lead your team to a spectacular return on investment.
Subscribe to DIVERSE LENS© animated shorts to spice up your diversity conversations and training. Move your Diversity Beyond Unconscious Bias Talks to profit and economics.